Content from Accessing RStudio through OnDemand

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How can you run RStudio on the HPCC?


  • Create an OnDemand session to run RStudio
  • Understand the options for creating an OnDemand session
  • Access a terminal on the node where your RStudio job is running


HPCC resources have traditionally been accessed solely through a terminal. Though the terminal is still the best way to accomplish many tasks on the HPCC, launching graphical user interfaces (GUIs) like RStudio is not one of them! This procedure has been streamlined through the use of OnDemand to run graphical applications through your web browser.

This is where we will start our journey with R on the HPCC, eventually making our way back to using R on the command line.

Starting an RStudio job

We’ll begin by logging in on OnDemand. Go to, If you are prompted, choose Michigan State University as the Identity Provider, and log in using your MSU NetID and password. Before we get into any other OnDemand specifics, we’ll submit an RStudio job to get you up and running.

Go to the Interactive Apps tab and select RStudio.

The OnDemand home screen with the Interactive Apps tab expanded to show RStudio

On the following screen you will be able to choose the options for your RStudio job. For this workshop, you should use the following options:

  • R version: 4.0.3
  • Number of hours: 3
  • Number of cores per task: 8
  • Amount of memory: 5GB
The RStudio OnDemand setup screen with text boxes for the four options listed above filled in using the values specified.

If you need to specify any other options (for example, if you want to run your session on a buy-in node and specify your SLURM account), you can click the Advanced Options checkbox and enter additional information.

Select the Launch button and wait for your job to start. When your job is ready, you will see a card with all of the information for your job. The most important fields for now are the Host which is the node on the HPCC where you job is running and the Time Remaining which counts down from the requested number of hours.

An OnDemand card with the information for a running RStudio job. The Host is css-094, the Time Remaining is 2 hours and 52 minutes, the compression slider is set to approximately 6 out of 9 and the Image Quality slider is approximately 5 out of 9.

You can move the Compression and Image Quality sliders to change the quality and responsiveness of the RStudio session. Generally, moving the sliders somewhere between 5 to 7 works well, but for slower internet connections, you might prefer a lower quality and higher compression.

When you’re ready to access RStudio, you can click the Launch RStudio button. If you ever navigate away from this screen, you can always return to it by clicking the My Interactive Sessions button in the OnDemand navigation bar. On less wide screens, this button shrinks down to a graphic of a pair of overlapping cards next to the Tools dropdown.


After Launching your RStudio session, a new tab in your browser will show an interactive desktop with RStudio running. If you are asked to update Rstudio, select Ignore Update. You may also need to maximize the RStudio window to your current browser size with the square button next to the “X” in the top right corner.

An interactive desktop showing a new RStudio session. An R console takes up the left half of RStudio, and the right half is split between an environment section on top and a file browser on bottom.

On startup, there are three main sections to RStudio: an R console, an environment section, and a file browser. Notice that the file browser starts in your HPCC home directory.

Open a file

Use the RStudio interface to create a new R Script file.

Click the button that looks like a page with a plus sign right below the file menu and choose R Script.

The new document button in RStudio expanded to show options like 'R Script' and 'R Markdown'.

Notice that the R console shrinks to make room for the text editor.

Connect to your RStudio node from the command line

As discussed earlier, OnDemand tells you the Host that your RStudio job is running on. From time to time, you may need to run commands on this host from a command line. You have two options.

The RStudio terminal

Handily, RStudio provides a terminal for you to use! Right next to the R console, is a Terminal tab. Clicking this tab will start a terminal on the same node that RStudio is running on.

The terminal tab in RStudio showing a terminal connected to the host css-106


This can be accomplished through any terminal that you can SSH to the HPCC on. Since we’re already using OnDemand, we’ll use the built-in terminal.

Returning to the OnDemand window, open the Development Nodes dropdown from the navigation bar.

The Development Nodes dropdown from the OnDemand navigation bar showing the development nodes accessible on the HPCC

Choose any development node, and a new tab will open with a terminal on that node.

SSH outside of OnDemand

If you are not using an OnDemand terminal, you first need to manually SSH into a development node. From your terminal (e.g., the built in terminal on Mac or MobaXterm on Windows), SSH into the gateway via ssh <netid>, then SSH into a development node, e.g., ssh dev-amd20.

Now find the Host your RStudio session is running on (remember, this information is always available in the My Interactive Jobs section in OnDemand), and in the development node terminal type


ssh <host>

replacing <host> by the host your RStudio session is running on.


Run the top command via command line on the node your RStudio session is running on and verify that indeed RStudio is running there.

Hint: If your node is busy, you can use top -u <netid> (replacing <netid> with your username) to see just your running processes.

Running top -u k0068027 (my username) from the RStudio terminal shows the rstudio command in the COMMAND column.

The top command running through the RStudio terminal. In addition to some auxiliary processes, one row in the top output has 'rstudio' in the COMMAND column.

Depending on your screen width, you may have to use the arrow keys to scroll to the right and see the COMMAND column.

Key Points

  • Start an RStudio session from OnDemand
  • Access the command line of the node your process is running on through the RStudio terminal or SSH into the host OnDemand provides you.

Content from Managing R package installation and environment

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How can you install and organize packages in R?
  • What are some best practices for setting up a project on the HPCC?


  • Explain where packages are kept and how to customize the location
  • Demonstrate how to setup an RStudio project
  • Share ways to effectively organize your projects for collaboration


The HPCC has multiple versions of R installed, and many of those versions have a large number of R packages pre-installed. But there will come a time when your workflow requires a new package that isn’t already installed. For this, you can use R’s built-in install.packages() function.

Before we do that though, we should check which libraries we have access to. We can do this by typing .libPaths() into the R console:




[1] "/mnt/ufs18/home-237/k0068027/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.0"
[2] "/cvmfs/" 

We see two directories. The first is created for you in your home directory, and the second (or one like it, starting with /opt/software) points to all of the packages that are pre-installed on the HPCC. When you use install.packages() in the future, by default, it will install to the first entry in your .libPaths().

One important point to note is that the library in your home directory is labeled with 4.0 for version 4.0(.3) of R. If you ever use different versions of R, it is important that the packages you use are consistent with those versions. So, for example, if you choose to use R/3.6.2, you should make sure that the library in your home directory returned by .libPaths() ends in 3.0. Mixing versions will likely cause your packages to stop working!

What’s the difference between a library and a package?

A library is just a collection of packages. When you use library(<package>), you are telling R to look in your libraries for the desired package. When you use install.packages(<package>), you are telling R to install the desired package into the first library on your .libPaths().

What if you don’t have a user-writable library?

Sometimes, when starting R for the first time, it may happen that the .libPaths() command won’t show you a library in your home directory. Since the other library is shared by everyone on the HPCC, you won’t be able to write to it.

Luckily, R knows this, and if you try to install a package, you will be offered to create a new user-writable library:


Warning in install.packages :
  'lib = "/cvmfs/"' is not writable
Would you like to use a personal library instead? (yes/No/cancel)

Answer yes, and you will be good to go!

Installing packages

Now, let’s try to install a package:



You may then be asked to select a CRAN mirror. This is the location where the package is downloaded from. Usually, 71 is a good choice for us because it’s from the University of Michigan (closer means faster downloads).

R will download and install the package. We can now use it like we normally would! From the R console:


say("Hello world!")


Hello world! 
          ==) ^Y^ (==
            \  ^  /
            /     \
            |     |
           /| | | |\
           \| | |_|/\
      jgs  //_// ___/

Do your packages require external dependencies?

Often, packages will require some extra software to install, run, or both. Getting external dependencies lined up correctly can be a big challenge, especially on the HPCC. Here are some general tips:

  1. Read the documentation for the package you’re using and take note of any dependencies you need and their versions. This information is also included under SystemRequirements on a package’s CRAN page.
  2. Make sure that software is available before you try to install/use the R package. This could involve:
    • Loading it through the HPCC module system. Note: This is not possible (yet) in RStudio on the HPCC. You will have to use R through the command line.
    • Installing it yourself in a way that R can find it.
  3. If a package’s setup instructions suggest something like sudo apt-get ... or sudo dnf install ... under the Linux instructions, this is a sign that it needs external dependencies. These methods won’t work for installation on the HPCC; instead, look for and load HPCC modules for similar names.
  4. Sometimes you’ll need to load more than one module, but they will have dependencies that conflict with each other (or even R itself!). In this case, contact the research consultants at ICER and we will do our best to help you out.

Manging your projects

Now that we know how to install and use external packages, let’s talk about managing your code. When you use R, it helps to organize your code into separate directories that you can think of as projects. As we’ll see later, running R out of this project directory can make your life a lot easier!

But when RStudio starts, your working directory is always set to your home directory.





RStudio has it’s own solution to this: RStudio Projects! Let’s create one to test this out. Find the button in RStudio that looks like a plus sign on top of a cube near the edit menu.

Start by creating an RStudio Project with button that looks like a plus sign on top of a cube near the Edit menu.

The new RStudio Project button in RStudio

Select New Directory, then New Project from the options. Under Directory name, use r_workshop, and make sure that it’s a subdirectory of your home directory ~. We’ll leave the other options alone for now, but note that RStudio will integrate nicely into a workflow using git and GitHub! Click Create Project to finish.

Your new RStudio Project will be loaded. This means a few things:

  1. A new session of R will be started in the project directory.
  2. This directory will be your new working directory (check getwd()!).
  3. The file browser has moved to this directory.
  4. A file called r_workshop.Rproj has been created. This file saves some options for how you edit your project in RStudio.

At any time, you can navigate to your project directory in the RStudio file browser and click the .Rproj file to load up this project or any other.

Configuring your projects

What if we wanted to make some changes to the way that R operates? There are two files that we can create to help us do that: .Rprofile and .Renviron.

First, let’s suppose that we want to make sure we use the University of Michigan CRAN mirror install our packages. The R command


options(repos = "")

will take care of this for us. To make sure this runs every time we start R, we’ll put it in the .Rprofile file.

Use RStudio to open a new Text File and type

  options(repos = "")

The local part ensures that no output from code we write is available to us in the R session: just the options get set. It’s good practice to put any code you write in your .Rprofile in a call to local to keep R from accidentally loading any large objects which slows down startup.

Save this in your r_workshop directory as .Rprofile (don’t forget the leading .). Any time R starts, it will look for a .Rprofile file in the current directory, and execute all of the code before doing anything else. To make this take effect in RStudio, you can restart R by going to the Session menu, and select Restart R.

Now suppose that this project we’re working on uses some very special packages that we don’t want in the library in our home directory. The right way to do this is with a package manager like packrat or the newer renv. But for example’s sake, we’ll create a quick approximation with the R_LIBS_USER environment variable and the .Renviron file.

The R_LIBS_USER environment variable can be set to a directory that you want to use as a library instead of the default one we saw before in your home directory. If we’re running R from the command line (which we’ll talk about later), we could export this variable in the command line before you start R:


export R_LIBS_USER="./library"

But not only would we have to do this every time we run R, this process is also hidden away behind the scenes when we use RStudio from OnDemand! There’s another option: the .Renviron file. Before R starts up (no matter if it’s from the command line or Rstudio), it will look at all the environment variables in this file and set them.

In RStudio, open a new Text File and type


Then save this file in your r_workshop directory with the name .Renviron. Now, restart R using the Session menu, and check your .libPaths() in the R console:




[1] "/mnt/ufs18/home-237/k0068027/r_workshop/library" 
[2] "/cvmfs/"

Great! We can even check that we’ve isolated ourselves from the default home directory library by trying to load cowsay:


Error in library(cowsay) : there is no package called 'cowsay'

Other configuration locations

The .Rprofile and .Renviron files don’t have to live in the directory you start R from. In fact, R checks for them in a set order:

  1. In the directory where R is started.
  2. In your home directory.
  3. In a global directory where R is installed. On the HPCC, for version 4.0.3, this is the file $R_HOME/etc/Renviron (you can check where $R_HOME is with Sys.getenv("$R_HOME")).

and uses the values in the first one it finds.

This means you can set a more global configuration by putting environment variables and startup scripts in the .Renviron and .Rprofile files in your home directory. However, if you forget what defaults you setup there and you try to move to another computer, you may have trouble running your code again. It’s best to use these home directory files sparingly to preserve portability.

Packages for later

Install the following packages in your r_workshop project library:

  • future
  • doFuture
  • foreach
  • future.batchtools

Check to make sure these install into the right library.

Double checking our library paths




[1] "/mnt/ufs18/home-237/k0068027/r_workshop/library" 
[2] "/cvmfs/"

we see that our r_workshop/library directory is first.

If we install future, it goes into this directory:




Installing package into `/mnt/ufs18/home-237/k0068027/r_workshop/library`
(as `lib` is unspecified)

Startup and shutdown code

The functions .First and .Last (that don’t take any arguments) can be defined in the .Rprofile file to run any code before starting and after ending an R session respectively. Define these functions so that R will print ### Hello <user> ### at the beginning of an R session and ### Goodbye <user> ### at the end (where <user> is your username).

Restart your R session to test your solution.

As a bonus, use Sys.getenv and the USER environment variable to say hello and goodbye to whoever is using the .Rprofile.


.First <- function() cat("### Hello", Sys.getenv("USER"), "###\n")
.Last <- function() cat("### Goodbye", Sys.getenv("USER"), "###\n")

Best practices for a portable project (and when and how to break the rules)

It is very likely that you are not the only person working with your code: there are other people in your lab or outside that you should be ready to share your analyses with. There are a few ways to setup your R project to make things less painful to share.

And even if you’re not collaborating, you’re still sharing with future you! Staying organized will help you return to an old project and get up and running faster.


  • Don’t leave install.packages commands in your scripts. Run them from the R console, and document what you need so that others can install them themselves later. Or better yet, get a package isolation solution to do it for you, as discussed above.
  • Organize the files in your project into separate folders. A commonly used setup is something like
    • data/ for raw data that you shouldn’t ever change
    • results/ for generated files and output (e.g., you should be able to delete this folder and exactly regenerate it from your code.)
    • src/ for your code, like .R files
    • bin/ for any other programs you need to run your analyses
    • doc/ for text documents associated with your project
  • Use relative paths inside your project. Instead of using C:\Users\me\Documents\lab_files\research\experiment1.csv, put experiment1.csv into the data/ directory in your project folder and only reference it as data/experiment1.csv.
  • Reuse your code. If you need to run the same analysis on two different inputs, don’t copy your script and find-and-replace data/experiment1.csv with data/experiment2.csv. Instead, structure your script as a function that takes a filename as input. Then write a script that sources the script your function is in and calls that function with two different filenames.
  • Separate the steps in your analyses into separate scripts (which ideally wrap the step into a function). You can chain all of your scripts together in one run_all.R script that sets up your input files and runs each step on those inputs in order.

All of this being said, rules of thumb can always be broken, but you should have a really good reason to do so. Oftentimes, using a supercomputer can be that reason.

For example, you may be using the HPCC to analyze some very large files that wouldn’t be easy to share in a data/ directory under your project. Maybe these live in your group’s research space on the HPCC so you don’t have to copy them around. In this case, it might make sense to use an absolute path to this file in your R scripts, e.g., /mnt/research/my_lab/big_experiment/experiment1.csv.

If you do decide to do this however, make sure you only do it one time! This is a great use for the .Renviron file. Instead of directly typing /mnt/research/my_lab/big_experiment/ into your code, set this as an environment variable in your .Renviron:



When you need to access this directory from R, use Sys.getenv():


data_dir <- Sys.getenv("DATA_DIR")
data <- read.csv(file.path(data_dir, "experiment1.csv"))

If somebody else wants to use your project outside of the HPCC and downloads the data on their own, they just have to set the DATA_DIR variable in the .Renviron file once and for all. This can be a great place to keep user specific configurations like usernames, secrets, or API keys.

Key Points

  • The .libPaths() function shows you where R looks for and installs packages
  • Use the .Renviron file to set environment variables you’d like to use for your project
  • Add functions and set options in the .Rprofile file to customize your R session
  • Start R from your project directory and use relative paths

Content from Parallelizing your R code with future

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How can you use HPCC resources to make your R code run faster?


  • Introduce the R package future
  • Demonstrate some simple ways to parallelize your code with foreach and future_lapply
  • Explain different parallelization backends

Basics of parallelization

The HPCC is made up of lots of computers that have processors with lots of cores. Your laptop probably has a processor with 4-8 cores while the largest nodes on the HPCC have 128 cores.

All this said though, HPCC nodes are not inherently faster than standard computers. In fact, having many cores in a processor usually comes at the cost of slightly slower processing speeds. One of the primary benefits of running on the HPCC is that that you can speed up your throughput by doing many tasks at the same time on multiple processors, nodes, or both. This is called running your code in parallel.

Except for a few exceptions (like linear algebra routines), this speedup isn’t automatic! You will need to make some changes to your code so it knows what resources to use and how to split up its execution across those resources. We’ll use the “Futureverse” of R packages to help us do this quickly.

Writing code that runs on multiple cores

Let’s start with a small example of some code that can be sped up by running in parallel. In RStudio, create a new R Script and enter the following code:


t <- proc.time()

x <- 1:10
z <- rep(NA, length(x))  # Preallocate the result vector

for(i in seq_along(x)) {
  z[i] <- sqrt(x[i])

print(proc.time() - t)

Create a new directory in your r_workshop project called src and save it as src/test_sqrt.R. Click the Source button at the top of the editor window in RStudio, and see the output:


   user  system elapsed 
  0.016   0.009   5.006

This means that it took about 5 seconds for the code to run. Of course, this all came from us asking the code to sleep for half a second each loop iteration! This is just to simulate a long running chunk of code that we might want to parallelize.

A digression on vectorization

Ignoring the Sys.sleep(0.5) part of our loop, if we just wanted the square root of all of the elements in x, we should never use a loop! R thrives with vectorization, meaning that we can apply a function to a whole vector at once. This will also trigger some of those linear algebra libraries that can auto-parallelize some of your code.

For example, compare


t <- proc.time()

x <- 1:10
z <- rep(NA, length(x))  # Preallocate the result vector
for(i in seq_along(x)) {
z[i] <- sqrt(x[i])

print(proc.time() - t)


   user  system elapsed 
  0.004   0.000   0.005 



t <- proc.time()

x <- 1:10
z <- sqrt(x)

print(proc.time() - t)


   user  system elapsed 
      0       0       0 

Not only is the vectorized code much cleaner, it’s much faster too!

Let’s parallelize this with a combination of the foreach and the doFuture packages. Start a new R script with the following lines



t <- proc.time()

x <- 1:10
z <- foreach(xi = x) %dofuture% {

print(proc.time() - t)

and save as src/test_sqrt_multisession.R.

Notice that this is very close to our original code, but we made a few changes:

  • We changed the for loop into a foreach statement.
    • The xi = x lets us iterate over x and use xi as an element rather than indexing.
    • The block that happens on each “iteration” is preceded by %dofuture%. This tells foreach how to run each of the iterations, and in this case, uses the future package behind the scenes.
  • z is now the output of foreach statement rather than preallocated and subsequently changed on each iteration of the for loop. Each element is the last result of the code block for each input xi.

Let’s run the code:


   user  system elapsed 
  0.050   0.012   5.051

Huh? It’s slower! Well, we forgot one thing. We changed our code to get ready for parallelization, but we didn’t say how we want to parallelize it.

Well, actually, we did. The plan(sequential) line tells future that we want to run each loop iteration sequentially, i.e., the same exact way the original for loop works! We just added some extra overhead of having the future package manage it for us.

The multisession backend

To parallelize things, we change the plan. There are a few options, but we’ll start with the multisession plan. Change plan(sequential) to plan(multisession) and run again:


   user  system elapsed 
  0.646   0.019   2.642

Much better! What future did behind the scenes is check how many cores we have allotted to our RStudio session with





and make that many R sessions in the background. Each of these sessions gets a loop iteration to run, and when finished, if there are still more, it will run another one.

We can tell future to use a certain number of workers in the plan, which will override the number of cores. Add the workers option to plan(multisession) like


plan(multisession, workers = 5)

and rerun to get


   user  system elapsed 
  0.327   0.010   1.923 

It’s even faster! With five workers, each worker has exactly two iterations to work on, and we don’t have the overhead of the three extra ones that wait around to do nothing.

The multicore backend

In addition to a multisession plan, we can use the multicore plan to utilize all of our cores. Instead of starting multiple R sessions, future forks the main process into as many processes as specified workers. This generally has less overhead, and one major advantage is that all of the workers share the memory of the original process. In the multisession plan, each worker copied the part of x it had to work on into new memory which can really add up for large inputs. However, in the multicore case, since the memory is shared, it is not writable.

Unfortunately, the multicore plan is less stable in GUI environments like RStudio. Thus, it can only be used in scripts running from the command line, so we will ignore it for now.

Writing code that runs on multiple nodes

Now that we know how to make the most of the cores we reserved, how can we scale up further? One of the major benefits of the HPCC is the fact that there are plenty of different nodes for you to run your code on! With just a few changes to the future setup, we can transition from a “multicore” to “multinode” setup.

The cluster backend

To use the cluster backend, you need a list of nodes you can access through SSH. Usually, you would submit a SLURM job requesting multiple nodes and use these, but we will save that for a future section.

For now, we’ll practice by using some development nodes.

Copy src/test_sqrt_multisession.R to src/test_sqrt_cluster.R, and replace the plan line with the following:


hostnames <- c("dev-amd20", "dev-intel18")
plan(cluster, workers = hostnames)

When we run the code, we get:


Error: there is no package called 'doFuture'

Hmm, something went wrong. It turns out that future isn’t always sure what’s available on the hosts we pass it to build the cluster with. We have to tell it what library path to use, and that it should set the working directory on each node to our current working directory.


hostnames <- c("dev-amd20", "dev-intel18")
wd <- getwd()
setwd_cmd <- cat("setwd('", wd, "')", sep = "")
plan(cluster, workers = hostnames,
     rscript_libs = .libPaths(),
     rscript_startup = setwd_cmd)

Now let’s run again:


setwd('/mnt/ufs18/home-237/k0068027/r_workshop')   user  system elapsed 
  0.233   0.044   2.769 

The output is a little wonky because it runs the rscript_startup command, but we were still able to save some time!

The batchtools_slurm backend

As we saw, using cluster plan can be tricky to get right. A much easier way to advantage of multiple nodes is to use the batchtools.slurm backend. This allows us to submit SLURM jobs for each iteration of our for loop. The HPCC scheduler will then control where and when these jobs run, rather than you needing to provide that information ahead of time.

The simplest way to do this, is to use the future.batchtools package. Copy src/test_sqrt_multisession.R to src/test_sqrt_slurm.R, load the future.batchtool package, and replace the plan section with the batchtools_slurm plan:



Running the code gives us


   user  system elapsed 
  6.916   2.083  39.614

So we experience a much longer wait… But this make sense! We just sent off ten SLURM jobs to sit in the HPCC queue, get started, do a tiny computation, shut down, and send back the result.

This is definitely not the kind of setting where we should use the batchtools_slurm backend, but imagine if the inside of the for loop was extremely resource intensive. In this case, it might make sense to send each iteration off into its own job with its own reserved resources.

Speaking of which, what resources did we ask for in each of these submitted jobs? We never specified anything. The future.batchtools package comes with a set of default templates. Here’s the slurm.tmpl file in the library/future.batchtools/templates directory under our project directory:


# A batchtools launch script template for Slurm
# Author: Henrik Bengtsson 

#SBATCH --job-name=<%= %>
#SBATCH --output=<%= log.file %>
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00

## Resources needed:
<% if (length(resources) > 0) {
  opts <- unlist(resources, use.names = TRUE)
  opts <- sprintf("--%s=%s", names(opts), opts)
  opts <- paste(opts, collapse = " ") %>
#SBATCH <%= opts %>
<% } %>

## Launch R and evaluated the batchtools R job
Rscript -e 'batchtools::doJobCollection("<%= uri %>")'

Now, there are some parts that don’t look like like a normal SLURM script, but we see that each SLURM job automatically requests one node and five minutes. The remaining resources are set to the default values (usually 1 CPU and 750MB of memory).

What if you want to change these values? The strange lines in the template SLURM script allow us to pass in extra resources when we set the plan. For example, if you need each loop iteration to have 1GB of memory and 10 minutes of runtime, we can replace the batchtools_slurm line with


plan(batchtools_slurm, resources = list(mem = "1GB",

The resources argument is a list where each entry’s name is the SLURM constraint and the value is a string with the desired value. See the list of job specifications in the ICER documentation for more details.

Unfortunately, this method of specifying resources is not very flexible. In particular, the resource names have to satisfy R’s variable naming rules, which means that specifying cpus-per-task is impossible because of the dashes.

Alternatively, it is better to create your own template script that will be used to submit your jobs. If you save a template like the one above to your working directory as batchtools.slurm.tmpl, it will be used instead. For more information, see the future.batchtools documentation.

Other ways to use the future backends

We decided to setup our parallelization in a for loop using the foreach package. But there are a few other ways to do this as well. Most fit the paradigm of defining a function to “map” over the elements in an array.

One common example is using the lapply function in base R. We could rewrite our example above using lapply (without any parallelization) like this:


slow_sqrt <- function(x) {

x <- 1:10
z <- lapply(x, slow_sqrt)  # apply slow_sqrt to each element of x

To parallelize, we can use the future.apply package, replace lapply with future_lapply, and setup the backend exactly the same way:


plan(multisession, workers = 5)

slow_sqrt <- function(x) {

x <- 1:10
z <- future_lapply(x, slow_sqrt)

The “Futureverse” (i.e., the list of packages related to future) also includes furrr, a future-ized version of the Tidyverse package purrr. Additionally, the doFuture package contains adapters to parallelize plyr and BiocParallel mapping functions.

The upshot is that if you have code that’s setup (or can be setup) in the style of mapping a function over arrays, you can parallelize it by employing an adapter to the future backend.

Key Points

  • Setup code you want to parallelize as “mapping” a function over an array
  • Setup a future backend to distribute each of these function applications over cores, nodes, or both
  • Use the batchtools_slurm backend to have future submit SLURM jobs for you
  • Use a future adapter to link your code to the backend

Content from Using R on the command line

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How do you run R on the HPCC through the command line?
  • How can I create plots when I’m not using a graphical interface?


  • Demonstrate how to find and load a desired version of R using the module system
  • Demonstrate how to start an R console
  • Demonstrate how to run R scripts with the RScript command

Accessing the HPCC through the terminal

Up to now, we’ve been using RStudio through OnDemand to write and run R code on the HPCC. Now, we’ll do the same things we’ve been doing, but solely through the command line. This will allow us to eventually submit SLURM batch scripts to run our code on compute nodes.

For now, we’ll start by running everything on a development node. Using our previous instructions to SSH into a development node, we can get a command line running on a development node. As a reminder, from a personal terminal, this looks something like


ssh <netid>
ssh <dev-node>

For best results, choose a development node with low usage.

Loading R

The command to run an R console from the command line is just R! But if we try it out right away, we get an error




-bash: R: command not found

The HPCC packages up all of its available software into modules so that not every piece of software is available to everyone all of the time. To get access to R, we have to load its module.

Let’s first start by finding the version we’re interested in. We’ll use the module spider command which searches through all the modules for the ones we want:


module spider R


      R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.

     Other possible modules matches:
        ADMIXTURE  AMDuProf  APR  APR-util  Abaqus_parallel  AdapterRemoval  
        Advisor  Amber  AmrPlusPlus  Archive-Zip  Armadillo  Arrow  ...

  To find other possible module matches execute:

      $ module -r spider '.*R.*'

We’ve abbreviated the output, but we can see that there are lots of different versions of R available! We’ll try loading 4.0.3 since that version on the HPCC has a large number of packages pre-installed.

If you’re familiar with the module system, you might try to load the module right away with module load:


module load R/4.0.3


Lmod has detected the following error:  These module(s) or extension(s) exist
but cannot be loaded as requested: "R/4.0.3"
   Try: "module spider R/4.0.3" to see how to load the module(s).

But we get an error! Let’s try the suggested fix to see what’s going on:


module spider R/4.0.3


  R: R/4.0.3
      R is a free software environment for statistical computing and

    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the
    "R/4.0.3" module is available to load.

      GCC/10.2.0  OpenMPI/4.0.5
      GCC/9.3.0  OpenMPI/4.0.3
      iccifort/2020.1.217  impi/2019.7.217
      R is a free software environment for statistical computing
       and graphics.

Ah-ha! We see that we need to load some other modules first! These are dependencies that R needs to run. Without them, it won’t work!

Before we do that, it’s good practice to purge any other modules that might be loaded that we won’t need. This will ensure a clean environment and will reduce the possibility of any conflicts.


module purge
module load GCC/10.2.0 OpenMPI/4.0.5 R/4.0.3

No error! Let’s check that we can access R:




R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) -- "Bunny-Wunnies Freak Out"
Copyright (C) 2020 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

  Natural language support but running in an English locale

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.


Great! We now have an R console where we can run short lines of code, just like from RStudio. As the output from R shows, type q() to quit and return back to the command line.

If you’re asked to save the workspace image, it’s best practice to say no since this can lead to long load times and less reproducible sessions in the future. In fact, you can use the --vanilla option when starting R to ensure it ignores things like your .Renviron and .Rprofile changes. We will use this option below to make sure we run our code in the cleanest environment possible.

Running one-liners and scripts with RScript

The R console is great for interactive work. But sometimes we might want to just send some code to R to run and give us back the answer. For this, we use the Rscript command.

First, let’s start by sending Rscript a single command using the -e flag (which stands for “expression”):


Rscript --vanilla -e 'date()'


[1] "Wed Jun 14 15:20:58 2023"

We get the same output as if we had run date() in an R console or in a script! Note that we have to wrap the expression we want to run in single quotes.

We can run multiple expressions at once. For example, let’s get the quotient and remainder of 128 divided by 11:


Rscript --vanilla -e '128 %/% 11' -e '128 %% 11'


[1] 11
[1] 7

The real power of Rscript comes into play when we have an actual script to run! Let’s run our previous one. Rscript takes the path to the script as argument. We’ll first change directory to the location of our script so we don’t need to specify the entire path name.


cd ~/r_workshop
Rscript src/test_sqrt_multisession.R


   user  system elapsed 
  0.238   0.003   1.698

This is the equivalent of clicking the Source button while we have a R script open in RStudio, or running source('~/r_workshop/src/test_sqrt_multisession.R') from an R console. Notice that we didn’t use the --vanilla option here. This ensures that we use the local library setup in the project directory.

Writing scripts that take command line arguments

Often, you will want to be able to pass extra arguments to your scripts when you run them from the command line. The simplest way is to use the commandArgs function in R which lets us access all of the command line arguments as a character vector.

From the command line, open a new R script called src/command_args.R in a text editor of your choice. If you aren’t familiar with any, a good option is nano.


nano src/command_args.R

Our script will print out all of our command line arguments:


args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
nargs <- length(args)

for(i in 1:nargs) {
  cat("Argument", i, ":", args[i], "\n")

It’s important to use the trailingOnly = TRUE option with commandArgs so that we only get the arguments after the name of the script.

If you’re using nano, after typing the above code, press ctrl+o followed by enter to save, then ctrl+x to exit.

We can now run our script through Rscript with some arguments:


Rscript --vanilla src/command_args.R a b c


Argument 1 : a 
Argument 2 : b 
Argument 3 : c 

For a more sophisticated way to handle command line arguments (including flags, automated usage messages, default options, and more), check out optparse.


Write an Rscript one-liner to print the numbers from 1 to 10.


Rscript --vanilla -e 'for(i in 1:10) print(i)'


Write an Rscript one-liner to display the help for the function strtoi (press “q” to exit).


Rscript --vanilla -e 'help(strtoi)'


Write an Rscript that takes an integer as a command line argument and prints the numbers from 1 to that integer.


args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)
n <- strtoi(args[1])

for(i in 1:n) {

Plotting with the command line

You may wonder how you might run a plot using the terminal interface? For most terminals, if you plot with the command line version of R, either nothing happens or there is an error message. It may work on some terminals, if X11 Linux graphical interface is installed and the terminal is an X11-capable (for example on MacOS is ‘Quartz’ is installed, a new windows will appear). However when running in ‘batch’ mode using the cluster (described in the next session), there is no interface at all.

There are the following techniques for handling plots when using R on the command line on HPCC

  • split your code into computation and presentation sections: run computation section using CLI/Batch on HPC, and after the computation is complete, save the output to be read into visualization code that you run on a machine with a graphic user interface (OnDemand Rstudio, or even your laptop)
  • capture all output to a file using commands like PDF()
  • as part of your script, create an RMarkdown file that includes plotting (or other output), and use the render command in Rmarkdown to PDF or other format to be review later

We’ll describe the method to capture output into a PDF here.

A sample script that uses the pdf function to capture plots looks like this:


plotfile = 'testplots.pdf'

plot(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Petal.Width, pch=21, bg=c("red","green3","blue")[unclass(iris$Species)], main="Edgar Anderson's Iris Data")

For much nore details about using this techinque, see Chapter 14 Output for Presentation of Winston Chang’s R Graphics Cookbook

Once you run the script and save the PDFs, the next challenge is to view them because, again, the terminal does not have the GUI to view PDFs.

You could

  • download the PDF to your computer from the terminal using OnDemand file browser (or the MobaXterm client’s file browser)
  • open with the OneDemand Rstudio.


One of the challenges with running scripts repeatedly is that it will overwrite the plot file with the same name. Modify the plotting script above that accepts a command line parameter for the the name of the PDF file. BONUS: how would you handle the case where there was no command line argument sent?


args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)

# check if there was at least 1 arg
if length(args) >= 1 {

   #assume the arg is a PDF file name, and use that to capture plots
   plotfile = args[1]


# if not argument is sent, PDF capture is not enabled and the plot will display

plot(iris$Petal.Length, iris$Petal.Width, pch=21, bg=c("red","green3","blue")[unclass(iris$Species)], main="Edgar Anderson's Iris Data")

Key Points

  • Use module spider R/<version> to learn how to load a version of R on the HPCC
  • Run R from the command line to start an interactive R console
  • Use the --vanilla option to ignore extra configuration files
  • Run Rscript to run an R script
  • Use commandArgs to parse command line arguments in an R script
  • Use pdf() to capture plotting into a PDF file

Content from Submitting R code to SLURM

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How do you write a SLURM submission script?


  • Explain the general structure of a SLURM script
  • Explain how and why to request different resources with SLURM
  • Give sample template SLURM scripts for submitting R code

SLURM scripts

Now that we understand how to parallelize R code and run it on the command line, let’s put it all together. We’ll write a SLURM script to submit our code to run on compute nodes on the HPCC.

We’ve already seen an example of a SLURM script in the parallelization section, where future was submitting SLURM jobs for us. However, if we want to have more control, we’ll have to understand how to write these ourselves.

The basic structure of a SLURM script can be split into three parts:

  • The #!/bin/bash line
  • Resources specifications
  • Code you want to run (as if you’re inputting it on the command line)

The #!/bin/bash line always needs to be there. It just tells the system to run your code with bash, which is what you’re using on the command line.

The second section is where we specify resources. This is done using lines in the form


#SBATCH --option=<value>

The options let you specify things like

  • The time you need to run your code, e.g., #SBATCH --time=01:05:30 for 1 hour, 5 minutes, and 30 seconds
  • The number of cores you want to run your code on, e.g., #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 for 8 cores
  • The number of nodes you need to run your code on, e.g., #SBATCH --nodes=2 for 2 nodes
  • The amount of memory your code will need, e.g., #SBATCH --mem=10GB for 10GB or `--mem-per-cpu=750MB for 750MB per core you ask for
  • The SLURM account you want to use (if you have a buy-in node), e.g., #SBATCH --account=my_buyin to activate the buy-in nodes associated to the my_buyin account

Finally, you will add your code below these #SBATCH. This code is exactly what you would enter on the command line to run your R scripts as we showed in the previous epsiode.

A SLURM script template



#SBATCH --time=00:05:00  # 5 minutes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1  # Use 1 core
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=500MB  # Use 500MB of memory per core requested
#SBATCH --nodes=1  # Use 1 node

# Load the R module
module purge
module load GCC/10.2.0 OpenMPI/4.0.5 R/4.0.3

# Get to our project directory
cd ~/r_workshop

# Run the script
Rscript src/test_sqrt.R

# Bonus: write information about our job in the output file
scontrol show job $SLURM_JOB_ID

A template like this will work for you 90% of the time, where all you need to do is set your resources correctly, load the right version of R, set the directory you want to work in, and choose your script.

SLURM script submission

Create a new directory in our R project directory called slurm, and save the above file there as Then submit the script with sbatch:


sbatch slurm/

The script will sit in the queue until its resources are available. We can check on its status with


squeue --me

After the script has run, we can see its output in a file with a name like slurm-<jobid>.out in the current working directory.


cat slurm-17815750.out


   user  system elapsed 
  0.027   0.010   5.042 
   UserId=grosscra(919141) GroupId=helpdesk(2103) MCS_label=N/A
   Priority=57661 Nice=0 Account=general QOS=grosscra
   JobState=RUNNING Reason=None Dependency=(null)
   Requeue=1 Restarts=0 BatchFlag=1 Reboot=0 ExitCode=0:0
   RunTime=00:00:13 TimeLimit=00:05:00 TimeMin=N/A
   SubmitTime=2023-06-28T18:18:09 EligibleTime=2023-06-28T18:18:09
   StartTime=2023-06-28T18:19:42 EndTime=2023-06-28T18:24:42 Deadline=N/A
   SuspendTime=None SecsPreSuspend=0 LastSchedEval=2023-06-28T18:19:42 Scheduler=Backfill
   Partition=general-long-bigmem AllocNode:Sid=dev-amd20:13341
   ReqNodeList=(null) ExcNodeList=(null)
   NumNodes=1 NumCPUs=1 NumTasks=1 CPUs/Task=1 ReqB:S:C:T=0:0:*:*
   Socks/Node=* NtasksPerN:B:S:C=0:0:*:* CoreSpec=*
   MinCPUsNode=1 MinMemoryCPU=500M MinTmpDiskNode=0
   Features=[intel14|intel16|intel18|(amr|acm)|nvf|nal|nif] DelayBoot=00:00:00
   OverSubscribe=OK Contiguous=0 Licenses=(null) Network=(null)

Congratulations! We’ve just completed the workflow for submitting any job on the HPCC.

Submitting a multicore job

Copy your submission script to slurm/ Adjust it to request five cores and change it so that you run a copy of src/test_sqrt_multisession.R with a multicore backend for future with five workers. Submit the job and compare the time it took to run with the single core job.




#SBATCH --time=00:05:00  # 5 minutes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=5  # Use 5 cores
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=500MB  # Use 500MB of memory per core requested
#SBATCH --nodes=1  # Use 1 node

# Load the R module
module purge
module load GCC/10.2.0 OpenMPI/4.0.5 R/4.0.3

# Get to our project directory
cd ~/r_workshop

# Run the script
Rscript src/test_sqrt_multicore.R

# Bonus: write information about our job in the output file
scontrol show job $SLURM_JOB_ID



plan(multicore, workers = 5)

t <- proc.time()

x <- 1:10
z <- foreach(xi = x) %dofuture% {

print(proc.time() - t)

Cleaning up the output

Leaving the output in the directory we run the script in will get messy. For the steps below, you will need the list of SLURM job specifications.

  1. Create the directory results in your project directory.
  2. For the previous job script, change the name for the job allocation to multicore-<jobid> where <jobid> is the number that SLURM assigns your job.
  3. Change it so the output and error files are stored in your project directory under results/<jobname>.out and results/<jobname>.err where <jobname> is the name you set in the previous step.

Hint: you can reference the job ID in #SBATCH lines with %j and the job name with %x.



#SBATCH --time=00:05:00  # 5 minutes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=5  # Use 5 cores
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=500MB  # Use 500MB of memory per core requested
#SBATCH --nodes=1  # Use 1 node
#SBATCH --job-name=multicore-%j
#SBATCH --output=~/r_workshop/results/%x.out
#SBATCH --error=~/r_workshop/results/%x.err

# Load the R module
module purge
module load GCC/10.2.0 OpenMPI/4.0.5 R/4.0.3

# Get to our project directory
cd ~/r_workshop

# Run the script
Rscript src/test_sqrt_multicore.R

Submitting SLURM scripts for code that runs on multiple nodes

Using the future package

In the section on writing parallel code across multiple nodes using the future package, we discussed two approaches: using the cluster backend, and having future submit SLURM jobs for you. In the latter case, you would only need to submit your controller script to SLURM using a simple submission script like the one above. The batchtools_slurm backend will submit SLURM jobs for the hard work that you want parallelized (though, as discussed, you may need to write a template script).

In the former case of using the cluster backend, we had to tell future which nodes we want it to run on. Luckily future has SLURM in mind and can query the nodes available in your SLURM job with parallelly:availableWorkers(). It automatically uses these as the workers when specifying the plan, so you can leave that argument out, specifying your plan like


wd <- getwd()
setwd_cmd <- cat("setwd('", wd, "')", sep = "")
     rscript_libs = .libPaths(),
     rscript_startup = setwd_cmd)

For MPI jobs

MPI is a one of the most popular ways to write code in many languages that runs on multiple nodes. You may write something that uses it explicitly (e.g., the Rmpi or pdbMPI packages), or implicitly, by using a package that uses MPI behind the scenes (e.g., doMPI).

Any code using MPI must be called in a special way that lets the code know about the environment it’s running on. Practically, this means that you need to preface the Rscript command with srun with the option --cpus-per-task so MPI knows how many CPUs it can use per task.

Here is an example script:



#SBATCH --time=00:10:00  # 10 minutes
#SBATCH --tasks=6  # MPI will start 6 versions of the program
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8  # Use 8 cores per task (48 in total)
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1GB  # Use 1GB of memory per core requested
#SBATCH --nodes=2  # Distribute the tasks across 2 nodes

# Load the R module
module purge
module load GCC/10.2.0 OpenMPI/4.0.5 R/4.0.3

# Get to our project directory
cd ~/r_workshop

# Run the script
srun --cpus-per-task=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK Rscript src/some_MPI_script.R

# Bonus: write information about our job in the output file
scontrol show job $SLURM_JOB_ID

Notice that we added an #SBATCH line for tasks and used the $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK variable to set the option for srun. This ensures that whatever we set in the #SBATCH --cpus-per-task line will be used by srun.

Key Points

  • A SLURM script requests resources
  • Generally, the only code you need in a SLURM script is loading the R module, changing to the right directory and running your R code with Rscript
  • Check the status of your jobs with squeue --me