Parallelizing your R code with future

Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page



  • How can you use HPCC resources to make your R code run faster?


  • Introduce the R package future
  • Demonstrate some simple ways to parallelize your code with foreach and future_lapply
  • Explain different parallelization backends

Basics of parallelization

The HPCC is made up of lots of computers that have processors with lots of cores. Your laptop probably has a processor with 4-8 cores while the largest nodes on the HPCC have 128 cores.

All this said though, HPCC nodes are not inherently faster than standard computers. In fact, having many cores in a processor usually comes at the cost of slightly slower processing speeds. One of the primary benefits of running on the HPCC is that that you can speed up your throughput by doing many tasks at the same time on multiple processors, nodes, or both. This is called running your code in parallel.

Except for a few exceptions (like linear algebra routines), this speedup isn’t automatic! You will need to make some changes to your code so it knows what resources to use and how to split up its execution across those resources. We’ll use the “Futureverse” of R packages to help us do this quickly.

Writing code that runs on multiple cores

Let’s start with a small example of some code that can be sped up by running in parallel. In RStudio, create a new R Script and enter the following code:


t <- proc.time()

x <- 1:10
z <- rep(NA, length(x))  # Preallocate the result vector

for(i in seq_along(x)) {
  z[i] <- sqrt(x[i])

print(proc.time() - t)

Create a new directory in your r_workshop project called src and save it as src/test_sqrt.R. Click the Source button at the top of the editor window in RStudio, and see the output:


   user  system elapsed 
  0.016   0.009   5.006

This means that it took about 5 seconds for the code to run. Of course, this all came from us asking the code to sleep for half a second each loop iteration! This is just to simulate a long running chunk of code that we might want to parallelize.

A digression on vectorization

Ignoring the Sys.sleep(0.5) part of our loop, if we just wanted the square root of all of the elements in x, we should never use a loop! R thrives with vectorization, meaning that we can apply a function to a whole vector at once. This will also trigger some of those linear algebra libraries that can auto-parallelize some of your code.

For example, compare


t <- proc.time()

x <- 1:10
z <- rep(NA, length(x))  # Preallocate the result vector
for(i in seq_along(x)) {
z[i] <- sqrt(x[i])

print(proc.time() - t)


   user  system elapsed 
  0.004   0.000   0.005 



t <- proc.time()

x <- 1:10
z <- sqrt(x)

print(proc.time() - t)


   user  system elapsed 
      0       0       0 

Not only is the vectorized code much cleaner, it’s much faster too!

Let’s parallelize this with a combination of the foreach and the doFuture packages. Start a new R script with the following lines



t <- proc.time()

x <- 1:10
z <- foreach(xi = x) %dofuture% {

print(proc.time() - t)

and save as src/test_sqrt_multisession.R.

Notice that this is very close to our original code, but we made a few changes:

  • We changed the for loop into a foreach statement.
    • The xi = x lets us iterate over x and use xi as an element rather than indexing.
    • The block that happens on each “iteration” is preceded by %dofuture%. This tells foreach how to run each of the iterations, and in this case, uses the future package behind the scenes.
  • z is now the output of foreach statement rather than preallocated and subsequently changed on each iteration of the for loop. Each element is the last result of the code block for each input xi.

Let’s run the code:


   user  system elapsed 
  0.050   0.012   5.051

Huh? It’s slower! Well, we forgot one thing. We changed our code to get ready for parallelization, but we didn’t say how we want to parallelize it.

Well, actually, we did. The plan(sequential) line tells future that we want to run each loop iteration sequentially, i.e., the same exact way the original for loop works! We just added some extra overhead of having the future package manage it for us.

The multisession backend

To parallelize things, we change the plan. There are a few options, but we’ll start with the multisession plan. Change plan(sequential) to plan(multisession) and run again:


   user  system elapsed 
  0.646   0.019   2.642

Much better! What future did behind the scenes is check how many cores we have allotted to our RStudio session with





and make that many R sessions in the background. Each of these sessions gets a loop iteration to run, and when finished, if there are still more, it will run another one.

We can tell future to use a certain number of workers in the plan, which will override the number of cores. Add the workers option to plan(multisession) like


plan(multisession, workers = 5)

and rerun to get


   user  system elapsed 
  0.327   0.010   1.923 

It’s even faster! With five workers, each worker has exactly two iterations to work on, and we don’t have the overhead of the three extra ones that wait around to do nothing.

The multicore backend

In addition to a multisession plan, we can use the multicore plan to utilize all of our cores. Instead of starting multiple R sessions, future forks the main process into as many processes as specified workers. This generally has less overhead, and one major advantage is that all of the workers share the memory of the original process. In the multisession plan, each worker copied the part of x it had to work on into new memory which can really add up for large inputs. However, in the multicore case, since the memory is shared, it is not writable.

Unfortunately, the multicore plan is less stable in GUI environments like RStudio. Thus, it can only be used in scripts running from the command line, so we will ignore it for now.

Writing code that runs on multiple nodes

Now that we know how to make the most of the cores we reserved, how can we scale up further? One of the major benefits of the HPCC is the fact that there are plenty of different nodes for you to run your code on! With just a few changes to the future setup, we can transition from a “multicore” to “multinode” setup.

The cluster backend

To use the cluster backend, you need a list of nodes you can access through SSH. Usually, you would submit a SLURM job requesting multiple nodes and use these, but we will save that for a future section.

For now, we’ll practice by using some development nodes.

Copy src/test_sqrt_multisession.R to src/test_sqrt_cluster.R, and replace the plan line with the following:


hostnames <- c("dev-amd20", "dev-intel18")
plan(cluster, workers = hostnames)

When we run the code, we get:


Error: there is no package called 'doFuture'

Hmm, something went wrong. It turns out that future isn’t always sure what’s available on the hosts we pass it to build the cluster with. We have to tell it what library path to use, and that it should set the working directory on each node to our current working directory.


hostnames <- c("dev-amd20", "dev-intel18")
wd <- getwd()
setwd_cmd <- cat("setwd('", wd, "')", sep = "")
plan(cluster, workers = hostnames,
     rscript_libs = .libPaths(),
     rscript_startup = setwd_cmd)

Now let’s run again:


setwd('/mnt/ufs18/home-237/k0068027/r_workshop')   user  system elapsed 
  0.233   0.044   2.769 

The output is a little wonky because it runs the rscript_startup command, but we were still able to save some time!

The batchtools_slurm backend

As we saw, using cluster plan can be tricky to get right. A much easier way to advantage of multiple nodes is to use the batchtools.slurm backend. This allows us to submit SLURM jobs for each iteration of our for loop. The HPCC scheduler will then control where and when these jobs run, rather than you needing to provide that information ahead of time.

The simplest way to do this, is to use the future.batchtools package. Copy src/test_sqrt_multisession.R to src/test_sqrt_slurm.R, load the future.batchtool package, and replace the plan section with the batchtools_slurm plan:



Running the code gives us


   user  system elapsed 
  6.916   2.083  39.614

So we experience a much longer wait… But this make sense! We just sent off ten SLURM jobs to sit in the HPCC queue, get started, do a tiny computation, shut down, and send back the result.

This is definitely not the kind of setting where we should use the batchtools_slurm backend, but imagine if the inside of the for loop was extremely resource intensive. In this case, it might make sense to send each iteration off into its own job with its own reserved resources.

Speaking of which, what resources did we ask for in each of these submitted jobs? We never specified anything. The future.batchtools package comes with a set of default templates. Here’s the slurm.tmpl file in the library/future.batchtools/templates directory under our project directory:


# A batchtools launch script template for Slurm
# Author: Henrik Bengtsson 

#SBATCH --job-name=<%= %>
#SBATCH --output=<%= log.file %>
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00

## Resources needed:
<% if (length(resources) > 0) {
  opts <- unlist(resources, use.names = TRUE)
  opts <- sprintf("--%s=%s", names(opts), opts)
  opts <- paste(opts, collapse = " ") %>
#SBATCH <%= opts %>
<% } %>

## Launch R and evaluated the batchtools R job
Rscript -e 'batchtools::doJobCollection("<%= uri %>")'

Now, there are some parts that don’t look like like a normal SLURM script, but we see that each SLURM job automatically requests one node and five minutes. The remaining resources are set to the default values (usually 1 CPU and 750MB of memory).

What if you want to change these values? The strange lines in the template SLURM script allow us to pass in extra resources when we set the plan. For example, if you need each loop iteration to have 1GB of memory and 10 minutes of runtime, we can replace the batchtools_slurm line with


plan(batchtools_slurm, resources = list(mem = "1GB",

The resources argument is a list where each entry’s name is the SLURM constraint and the value is a string with the desired value. See the list of job specifications in the ICER documentation for more details.

Unfortunately, this method of specifying resources is not very flexible. In particular, the resource names have to satisfy R’s variable naming rules, which means that specifying cpus-per-task is impossible because of the dashes.

Alternatively, it is better to create your own template script that will be used to submit your jobs. If you save a template like the one above to your working directory as batchtools.slurm.tmpl, it will be used instead. For more information, see the future.batchtools documentation.

Other ways to use the future backends

We decided to setup our parallelization in a for loop using the foreach package. But there are a few other ways to do this as well. Most fit the paradigm of defining a function to “map” over the elements in an array.

One common example is using the lapply function in base R. We could rewrite our example above using lapply (without any parallelization) like this:


slow_sqrt <- function(x) {

x <- 1:10
z <- lapply(x, slow_sqrt)  # apply slow_sqrt to each element of x

To parallelize, we can use the future.apply package, replace lapply with future_lapply, and setup the backend exactly the same way:


plan(multisession, workers = 5)

slow_sqrt <- function(x) {

x <- 1:10
z <- future_lapply(x, slow_sqrt)

The “Futureverse” (i.e., the list of packages related to future) also includes furrr, a future-ized version of the Tidyverse package purrr. Additionally, the doFuture package contains adapters to parallelize plyr and BiocParallel mapping functions.

The upshot is that if you have code that’s setup (or can be setup) in the style of mapping a function over arrays, you can parallelize it by employing an adapter to the future backend.

Key Points

  • Setup code you want to parallelize as “mapping” a function over an array
  • Setup a future backend to distribute each of these function applications over cores, nodes, or both
  • Use the batchtools_slurm backend to have future submit SLURM jobs for you
  • Use a future adapter to link your code to the backend